13. Data Representation

发布于 2024-10-23  150 次阅读

13.1 User-defined types

A user-defined data type is a feature in most high-level programming languages that allows a user (programmer) to define data type according to his/her requirements.
A data type constructed by a programmer
A data type that references at least one other data type, the data types can be primitive or user-defined. [MS]



  • Can be user-defined or primitive
  • Refer to other datatypes containing more than one datatype
  • Composite datatype can be record/class/set

    Record data type

TYPE <identifier1>
    DECLARE <identifier2> : <data type>
    DECLARE <identifier3> : <data type>

Set data type

TYPE <identifier1> = SET OF <data type>
DEFINE <identifier2> (value1, value2, value, … ) : <identifier1>
DEFINE Vowels ('A','E','I','O','U'): LetterSet



  • Non-composite data types can both be user-defined or primitive
  • Non-composite data types do not refer to other data types in their definition
  • Non-composite data types can be primitive/enumerated/pointer(原始/枚举/指针)

    Enumerated data type

    A user-defined non-composite datatype, with a list of all possible values that is ordered [3]

TYPE <identifier> = (value1, value2, value3, ... )
TYPE Season = (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter)

Pointer data type

A user-defined non-composite datatype, stores memory location only and indicates the type of data stored in the memory location. [3]

TYPE <identifier> = ^<data type>

Declaration of pointer type

Declaration of pointer variable
DECLARE MyPointer : TIntPointer

Dereference of pointer
TYPE Tmontin = ^STRING
DECLARE myMonth : Tmonth
myMonth ← monthPointer^ + 1

Dereferencing means accessing the contents of a memory location instead of its address.


DECLARE Pupil1 : StudentRecord
DECLARE Pupil2 : StudentRecord
DECLARE Form : ARRAY[1:30] OF StudentRecord
DECLARE ThisSeason : Season
DECLARE NextSeason : Season
DECLARE MyPointer : TIntPointer
Pupil1.LastName ← "Johnson"
Pupil1.DateOfBirth ← 02/01/2005
Pupil1.YearGroup ← 6
Pupil1.FormGroup ← ꞌAꞌ
Pupil2 ← Pupil1
FOR Index ← 1 TO 30
    Form[Index].YearGroup ← Form[Index].YearGroup + 1
NEXT Index
ThisSeason ←Spring
MyPointer← ^ThisSeason
NextSeason← MyPointer^ + 1// access the value stored at the memory address

13.2 File Organization And Access

File Organization


A method of file organization in which data records are physically stored in a file, one after another, in a given order(Order based on key field, key usually be primary key). A new version (of the file) has to be created to update the file

Direct access to Sequential files

  • In sequential files, an index of all key fields is kept. The index is searched for the address of the file location where the target record is stored.


    a method of file organization in which data records are physically stored in a file, one after another, in the order they were added to the file.


    a method of file organization in which data records are physically stored in a file in any available position; the location of any record in the file is found by using a hashing algorithm on the key field of a record. Updates to the file can be carried out directly

Direct access to Random files

  • A hashing algorithm is used on the record's key field to calculate the address of the memory location where the target record is expected to be stored. Method to find a record if it is not at the expected location, e.g., linear probing, search overflow area, etc.

    File Access

    Direct Access


    • The direct access method can physically find a record in a file without other records being physically read.
    • Records are found by using the key field of the target record


      a method of file access in which records are searched one after another from the physical start of the file until the required record is found.


      a mathematical formula used to perform a calculation on the key field


      A collision is when the two values/data items in the key field for two records (pass through a hashing algorithm and) result in the same hash value, so the location identified (by the hashing algorithm) may already be in use.

Solution 1

Search the overflow area, go through the following spaces linearly, and store the data item in the first available slot.

Solution 2

Each storage space refers to a collection/chain of items that can be searched individually. The data item is stored in the first available space in this chain.

13.3 Floating-point numbers, representation, and manipulation

You're never ready, you go when you're ready enough.
最后更新于 2024-10-23